Production process and features in Echizen Shikki production area
Echizen Shikki has a major feature in the production process. That is, the division of labor has been established in the entire production area, and various processes such as substrate preparation, painting, and decoration are highly specialized. This leads to stable quality such as beauty and robustness, and high production capacity.
In addition to traditional wooden lacquer ware, we are also working to provide consumers with cheaper and more durable products using synthetic resin materials and chemical paints. Currently, most of the lacquer ware used in the food service field is made of synthetic resin, but 80 to 90% of it is produced in the Echizen lacquer ware production area.
Wood production

Hand-painted (base / top coat)

Decoration (lacquer work, lacquer work)

Wood production
Wood products differ depending on whether they are round objects such as bowls or square objects (plates) such as boxes and trays. Marubutsu is made by shaving water-grained cherry blossoms, horse chestnuts, horse chestnuts, etc. with a potter's wheel. For horns, cut, shave, and assemble wigs, hoo, plywood for lacquer ware, etc.
Painting process
The division of labor is divided into undercoat and topcoat. This undercoat does not appear on the surface of the product, but it is an important part that affects the quality of lacquer ware, and it is repeatedly applied and sharpened. The competition for topcoating is the skillful technique of applying to a uniform thickness and the delicate drying technique that maintains a constant temperature and humidity. High humidity is required to dry the lacquer.
Decoration process
Maki-e is made by immersing a lacquer brush in a lacquer brush, drawing a pattern, sowing gold and silver powder on it, and repeating sharpening and polishing. For shinkin, a pattern is engraved using techniques such as line carving, point carving, and one-sided carving with a sword, and gold / silver leaf, gold / silver powder, pigments, etc. are fixed with lacquer on the carved marks and finished. ..

Synthetic resin molding

Printing / transfer

Synthetic resin molding
The base process for synthetic resin is called molding, and plastic powder is heat-processed by a machine. This simplifies the manufacturing process and reduces costs, and at the same time, it is possible to manufacture unprecedented and varied shapes.
For spray painting, spray lacquer or chemical paint manually or with a robot spray gun. Development of new techniques such as change painting is also in progress.
Printing / transfer
Transfers such as screen printing to imprint the original image and pad printing to imprint the picture on a round object can be mass-produced at a relatively low cost and are technically advanced, and are being performed frequently.